Hinduism is a culture and a way of life that involves a vast array of practices and rituals which include a plethora of various forms and secular beliefs.This is a series of artworks created over time, assimilating a cultural milieu of a Vaidik Society that abounds us so influentially. Staying true to the essence, the series is vibrantly composed with a distinctive choice of hues and a fusion of various elements; drawing its inspiration from the pluralistic Indian Vaidik Hindu culture, manifesting the symbolic and statuary implementations from the temples.
Bio Prof. Dr. Akhter Husain is Prof Emeritus, the Department of Orthodontics and Director of Craniofacial Anomalies at Yenepoya University, Mangalore, India. Currently, pursuing a Ph.D. in “Smile Dynamics” at Radboud University, Netherlands. His area of expertise in Orthodontics is the aesthetics of human faces . Medical Art is his latest passion. He sometimes jokes saying “Orthodontics is his occupation and Art is his pre-occupation”. Dr. Akhter uses variety of media By his own submissions he is not a purist and uses newer materials to embelish his paintings
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