Scarlet Crusade

PrizeHonorable Mention in Photography
University/SchoolUniversidad De Burgos
ArtistAitor Del Arco

Scarlet Crusade speaks of blind faith. Having faith in something most of the time means something positive although it also ties us to a series of beliefs that can lead us to deplorable acts. Throughout history, there have been many leaders who have got people to have blind faith in them and this has triggered wars and genocides. In the series you can see Catholic religious connotations, this is because the inquisition was one of the worst bloodshed by faith and that has inspired the series. However, the main idea of the series is that blind faith can be extrapolated to many other things.

Hello! My name is Aitor, better known as Aitor del Arco. I’m a visual artist from Spain. I currently work predominantly in the digital realm. I love using creativity in a narrative way, whether it's in a photo or a video. Find the perfect and suitable vehicle to tell each story. But most of all I like to surround myself with what inspires me. Because in the end, creativity is nothing more than connecting things that at first glance may be unconnected.