Texas Fashion Collection Website Redesign

PrizeHonorable Mention in Web Design
University/SchoolUniversity of North Texas
ArtistChien Lin
Design TeamGaby Pesqueira, Heather Robinson
CreditPhoto curtesy of the Texas Fashion Collection
Video URLView

This is a student group project that I worked on in my first Interaction Design class with two other students, Gaby and Heather. Together, we communicated with the Director of Texas Fashion Collection (@texasfashioncollection on Instagram) to make a prototype of a redesigned desktop website for them using Wordpress. Visit the full prototype here: http://tfc.unt-ixd.com Visit the full case study here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/77061071/Texas-Fashion-Collection-Website-Redesign

Meah is a UX designer with a visual communication design background. As a curious ambivert, she favors a good question over a convenient answer.