"Maspalomas Beach Access" a new synthetic dune

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architecture
CompanyLPA Studio
ArtistJuan Palop-Casado, Fernando Portillo de Armentera
Design TeamIgnacio López Busón, Gabriela Mena Márquez, Diego Sáenz Penagos, Leah Cabrera Fischer, Sergio Ramírez Castro
ClientConsorcio para la Rehabilitación Turística del Sur de Gran Canaria
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Maspalomas Beach is one of the most renowned beaches in Europe and top attraction on the island of Gran Canaria. The design integrates the functional program in a wooden topography that replicates the shape of the surrounding natural dunes, permitting unexpected uses. Due to digital production techniques, the resulting “dune” doesn’t endange the viability of its construction and provides a complete removable solution. The materials used include natural filtering systems for showers, integrated mini-solar panels, saltwater plants, and light foundations; respectful regarding beach environment.