The Time

PrizeHonorable Mention in Illustration - Graphic Design
CompanyUwe Schein
ArtistUwe Schein
CreditSchein´s work on the subject of time

Schein's time pictures are a choreography of dissolution. He does not want to be walled up by reality but into an existential stage in which the form was still in its infancy, when it was at the source of nothing, in an eternal flow. He is always trying to present a situation in which the forms began to orient themselves and to clump together. Schein composes his work with tens of thousands of millimeter lines. It is amazing and shows the artist's preference that the meticulously crafted images do not detract from the months of effort. Carl M. Hofbauer Pen and ink drawings 29,7 x 21 cm

Uwe Schein was born 1950 in Heidenheim (Bavaria). Study of Free Art 1971 - 1977 University of Art in Berlin (Universität der Künste - UdK - Berlin). Pupil of Prof. Peter Janssen and Prof. Klaus Fußmann. 1976 master student appointment of Prof. Raimund Girke. Lives and works in Nuremberg. Public purchases: Bundesfinanzhof München and Kunstmuseum Erlangen. Solo Exhibitions: Gallery Röver Nuremberg, City Museum Gunzenhausen, Gallery Art City-Center Fürth, Klosterforum Heidenheim, Kunstverein Erlangen. LSX im Hosianna, Berlin(own Pub 1977) Group exhibitions in Germany, Russia and Poland.