Guerrilla Literature

PrizeHonorable Mention in Illustration - Graphic Design
CompanyArte & Letra
ArtistFrede Tizzot
Design TeamFrede Tizzot
ClientArte & Letra Editora

Poster developed for the Brazilian publisher & bookstore Arte & Letra, as part of a campaign about independent literary production. The idea of the project is to publicize and value the independent work of the publisher as a diffuser of national and local literary production. The illustration was done by Frede Tizzot, who was also the creator of the concept of “guerrilla literature” for this project as a way of expressing all the difficulties that independent publishers and bookstores go through in their daily lives and the wars they have to fight every day to accomplish and spread their work.

I am one of the founders of Brazilian publishing house Arte & Letra, a national reference in literature and graphic/editorial design. Act as graphic designer, illustrator and art director in projects by Arte & Letra and other publishers and media outlets. I am also the creator of the Arte & Letra Graphic Laboratory, a printing and binding house that works with alternative forms of printing and book binding, such as RISO printing, block printing, serigraph printing and manual binding.