ArtWORKivism - Art for Trash

PrizeHonorable Mention in Installation Art, Honorable Mention in Installation Art
CompanyFrancesca Busca
ArtistFrancesca Busca
Design TeamN/A
ClientBluefield Partners
CreditFrancesca Busca

My “ArtWORKivism” initiative aims at bringing environmental artivism inside offices, and to stimulate ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS and RESPONSIBILITY in the professional sphere, spreading the belief that they are pervasive and necessary in all aspects of our lives. “Art for Trash” involves the office staff to collect a selection of their office daily rubbish, which I then use to make an artwork for their workplace. The pilot project was run in the City with Bluefield Partners, (March-May 2019). The result of this collaboration is series of 4 artworks, collectively making “A Monument to Seasons"

Eco-artivist, ‘Rubbish artist’ and mosaicist, Francesca pioneers sustainable art by creating her artworks entirely out of waste. Her quest is to push the boundaries of both craft & art, act as a catalyst for sustainability and provoke real Change. Torn between optimism and surrender, she believes in a future through systemic re-thinking. Every tessera she creates is a protest against our disposable lifestyle and embodies hope. Gesamtkunstwerk, her eco-artivism encompasses every aspect of her life, from veganism to renewables, second-hand (…) to not flying, as she strives to walk the talk.