Mirror of Fantasy series

PrizeHonorable Mention in Painting
CompanyShirin Moayya Art
ArtistShirin Moayya
Credit"Coming" Mixed Media art from Mirror of Fantasy Series

Mirror of Fantasy series is about the peculiar traits of each psycho-pathology & shows how the expressionistic accentuation of the pictorial language can give a critical and disenchanted look at human discomfort while showing a deep emotional sharing. This series is about reconciling harsh reality, empathy and pictorial frankness that makes us understand how, exposing the inconsistencies is the first step of a journey of hope that in the future a new humanism will succeed to re-establish the human being starting from the destruction of the false certainties of the present.

Shirin Moayya was born in August 1972 in Tehran, Iran Art Category: Drawing, Painting, Photography Artistic Career since 2007 Education: Master of English Teaching Exhibitions: Participation in various solo and group exhibitions and art festivals in Iran, UK, US, Italy, Slovenia Membership: Member of Ghalamro-Mani Art Group