The joy of graffiti in your workplace

PrizeHonorable Mention in Painting
CompanySouthwest Clinical Center
ArtistMarcelo Sicoli & Igor Sales
Design TeamIgor Sales, Caio Alessandro, Marcelo Sicoli, Sebastião Campelo.
ClientSouthwest Clinical Center
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Our building is 100% focused on health. Southwest Clinical Center in Brasilia, BRAZIL. In August 2019, We made beautiful graffiti that mixes Brasilia figures with various health-related activities, as requested in the briefing. You can see the Brasilia Cathedral, JK Memorial, JK Bridge and the Brasilia´s National Stadium, in between with a mother breastfeeding a baby, a wheelchair athlete, a lab technician and a friendly clown of joy playing with a hairless child because of a chemotherapy. We have produced a few minutes report available on youtube:

MBA in marketing and graduation in International Relations. Has worked for a few Embassies, has many articles published in major magazines, newspapers and websites. Consultant for food, industrial and pharmaceutical companies in Brazil and all over the world. Registered Real Estate Broker in Brasilia. ( Blog: ( ). Also, has been the building manager of the Southwest Clinical Center (Centro Clinico Sudoeste) for more than 7 years ( eventually writes articles about building management and give lecture