Liquid World: Memoirs of a Goldfish

PrizeHonorable Mention in Photography
CompanyPatricia Borges Arte Contemporanea Ltda
ArtistPatricia Borges
CreditPatricia Borges
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The photographic series that illustrates Liquid World book is composed of 94 images produced on the streets of Sydney AU using the technique of multiple exposure of negatives. The essay questions our daily routine in the big cities. It explores the impact on our lives of intensive exposure to technology, artificial lights, pollution, information, speed pressure, high population density and impersonal environments. At the same time it depicts that we somehow become used to all this, as if living in a parallel world displaced from our bodies, ignoring others and even the air we breath. SLOW DOWN

PATRICIA BORGES: Brazilian photographer and multimedia artist, graduated in architecture, photography, cinematography and screenplay. Awarded at Florence and Rome biennials. Her work has been featured in numerous publications and exhibitions around the world and it is part of major private collections. From 2018, she began using photographs as a material for composing installations and three-dimensional art objects.