New York apartment

PrizeShortlist in Decorate (interior)
ArtistFlavio Castro
Design TeamFlavio Castro, Flavia Marques
CreditPedro Kok
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The New York apartment was designed for a family that recently moved to Brazil after 8 years in the Netherlands. References to Dutch culture and design guided the project from the beginning, creating a connection with the family´s history. The arrangement of shapes and colors helped define areas with different functions. The materials follow the same color palette and the use of light wood was one of the initial premises. The design team selected all the furniture, that came from the Netherlands, and also designed a few pieces.

Flavio Castro had the opportunity to start designing and building early, with only 20 years old. Flavio defends that practical experience completes academic theory, and has always worked in these two areas, with experience in architectural firms inside and outside Brazil. After three years of Masters in Barcelona, he returned to Brazil and settled in São Paulo, founding FCstudo in 2009. The collaboration system that exists within the office allows a constant exchange of information among professionals who join the team depending on each project´s demand.