high line park

PrizeShortlist in Build (architecture)
CompanyZinialand Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
ArtistLiang Zhu
Design TeamLiang Zhu, Liang Li, Di Wu
ClientVanke (Chengdu)

This case follows the idea of station-city integration advocated by TOD, and conducts urban development or development along the line on the premise of traveling by public transport facilities without relying on private vehicles. The design extracts linear elements from the rails, designate different functional areas for different lines, with the long lines ensuring the passage, short lines offering stay, folding lines for conversion of space, and wave lines drawing close to the scale of visitors.

Zinialand Design is a Chengdu-based company which was founded in 2006, subsidiaries were established in Chongqing, Xi'an, Shenzhen. Zinialand has been pursuing brand and reputation building, and shaping an innovative enterprise of organic science.Zinialand Design focuses on high-quality landscape products, it has explored the unique attributes and given values to a large number of projects through professional design services.