
PrizeFinalists in Create (art)
CompanyRobert Irwin Wolf Fine Art Sculpture
ArtistRobert Irwin Wolf
ClientArtist's Inventory, item available for sale
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23"H x 7"W x 6"D, White translucent alabaster, black matte Micarta base with recessed ball bearing swivel mechanism
Enigma is a piece that demonstrates the artists' roots as a sculptor, influenced by Arp, Brancusi and Moore. The piece is a complex combination of form that conveys a sense of organic movement. The translucent quality of the stone enables viewers to grasp the depth of the stone in contrast the movement of the surface, producing a powerful visual effect. Best viewed as a video it can be seen in detail: https://www.robertirwinwolf.com/fine-art-sculpture#/enigma

Robert Irwin Wolf is a fine art photographer and sculptor, trained at Pratt Institute and currently living in New York City.
His sculpture are contemporary, abstract forms hand made in a variety of stone and wood.
His photography integrates his interest in people with interesting environments from his international travel. His work has been exhibited and published internationally.