Window Wanderland, James Bay | Poster

PrizeShortlist in Illustrate (graphic)
CompanyAlannah Bachynski | Design
ArtistAlannah Bachynski
Design TeamSamantha Bartlett, organizer and editor
ClientJames Bay Community School Centre
Video URLView

Window Wanderland is an annual winter arts and crafts event that takes place in James Bay in Victoria, Canada. The event first began in Bristol, UK where chief organizers now support its running across the map. The poster design for the event describe the James Bay neighbourhood's character, colouring and local curiosities. Nautical, wet-wintry and garden images reflect the neighbourhood's Pacific Ocean and harbourside location. These elements, together with a large starry night sky, create a look of festiveness that invites viewers to imagine their own displays.

Alannah is a visual artist and designer who creates pieces for print, digital and video.