
PrizeWinner in Decorate (interior)
CompanyStudioX4 architects & associates
ArtistLi Yu Cheng
Design TeamYuchen Chen, Lyvia Yang,
CreditPhotography: YHLAA
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Inspired by the Buddhist notion, “Form does not differ from emptiness; therefore, emptiness does not differ from form, “in , this project is a meditation hideaway for users to undergo the practice of mindfulness in a hectic city. Imagining the consciousness is distorted and capricious, Bezier surfaces slither from wall to ceiling in deep colors. A LED oculus recessed in the non-linear space, the site is visually intuitive with a smooth continuity, inspiring the meditator’s introspection to probe into the intricacy of the relationship between physical and mental situations.

StudioX4 architects & associates is a design studio + workshop based in Taipei, Taiwan. Founded in 2010, Studio X4 consists of 6 problem solvers engaging in architecture, interior space and product design. We focus on materials and proportion which brings the abstract feeling into solid experience, and dedicate to make the physical reality around us intertwined with the spiritual world.