The Artist Parts #1 and Part #2 Diptych

PrizeFinalists in Create (art)
CompanyMarshall Harris Studios
ArtistMarshall Harris
CreditMashall Harris

An example of my negative drawing process where I draw with graphite on Mylar the negative image of the original object. Once the final drawing is complete, that drawing is high-resolution scanned, inverted in Photoshop, and then printed as a positive image. The collector gets both the original negative drawing as well as the inverted positive print. The negative drawing process allows me to create much more dynamic and dimensional works than my traditional drawing method. This original drawing measured 54" x 58"

Marshall Harris was born in San Antonio Texas (1955). Harris received his BFA in Graphic Design from Texas Christian University in 1979 and MFA for the University of The Arts in Philadelphia PA. in 2010. Marshall also played professional American football in the early 80's. Mr. Harris followed his BFA degree as an Advertising Art Director, Marketing Manager, Museum Curator, Graphics Developer, and Exhibit designer until retiring to become a full-time studio artist in 2010. He lives with his wife, dog, and cat in Fort Worth Texas. His works are in public and private collections across the US.