The Secret Locked In The Roots Of A Kingdom

PrizeShortlist in Photography, Finalists in Photography
ArtistKirsty Mitchell
Design TeamKirsty Mitchell Photography

The fable of girls personal journey through grief, interlocked with her relationship with nature taken from within my larger ongoing 5 year photographic series 'Wonderland' (76 images) The project is in memory of my mother who died in 2008, with the purpose of creating an extraordinary 'storybook without words' . The characters are all my own creation, the costumes props and sets, which I construct like film sets in the woodlands around my home. Everything is real, true scale, and can take months to make from raw materials. The characters are not a recreation of anything that already exists - they are the result of my faded memories of the stories my mother read to me as a child, their original book illustrations, and paintings mixed up with dreams. I wanted to create images that people will project their own ideas on to, and lose themselves in - each being a visual fable within their own right. The complexity of the images meanings are impossible to write briefly within the word allowance for this statement, but there are full accounts written for each picture in the accompanying 6 year online journal here - .