Intermediate Sea Level help example for Mega Cities

PrizeOfficial Selection in Build (architecture)
CompanyTalo Architect P.C.
ArtistTapani Talo
Design TeamTapani Talo Architect, Leslie Robertson engineer
ClientPart of process to Help Mega Cities with 50 year Experience
CreditTapani Talo
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In the process of helping a client to design Mega Tall 3300 for building 2014 in NY City, an issue of the existing city grid's limitations appeared for safe, economical Mega Tall mixed-use 4000' + buildings. Working with the late Leslie Robertson Engineer, who designed the original WTC 1 and 2 structure before his passing 2 1/2 years ago, was instrumental help. At 35 feet above current sea level this building relocates for 50 to 100 years the areas submerging in Lower Manhattan allowing City to function while we replan NY City at higher ground (recent finding in Antarctica 153'possible)

Talo was trained in UK 73-77 and USA 77-80, and in New York with Edward Larrabee Barnes and Philip Johnson 1980- 1992 as a designer and project manager in high profile commercial highrise. In the 90's Museums, Airports, Stadiums and very green Residential. With my late wife's stage 4 cancer 2002 Talo shifted to Passive Green local residential first, and then also Mega Tall office buildings since 2014. Currently focusing on moving coastal cities due to seal level change with NEW kind of Citi Grids to improve cities urban livability and operability, based on Talo's continuous urban Studies.