PrizeOfficial Selection in Decorate (interior)
ArtistVasilii Portnyagin
Design TeamAnna Lvovskaia, Boris Lvovskiy, Fedor Goreglyad, Maria Romanova, Vasily Portnyagin
CreditInna Kablukova, Sergey Melnikov, Nikita Subbotin (Landon Studio)
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The Mirage Cinema is a new space on Petrograd Side in St Petersburg; it has emerged as part of the rethinking of an iconic and historically important urban location. All implemented solutions are unique within the existing building, which contained many historical and cultural layers, thus, an important task was to create a new open space while maintaining the spirit of the place. A lot of work was put into creating a new structure for the cinema, which resulted in redesigning the space and introducing numerous additional features.

DA Bureau is a team of architects and designers working onprojects around the world. Our main goals are to create uniqueand memorable spaces and to change the urban environment.Design and architecture are our passion and our lifestyle. We worka lot with spatial organisation and storytelling in our projects,creating unique visual concepts. It is important for us to make theworld around a little better and more beautiful, that's why we workwith projects from a mere concept up to the launch and know howto bring our ideas into life.