Girl with a horse

PrizeHonorable Mention in Painting
Companyfederico fiorentini
ArtistFederico Fiorentini
CreditFederico Fiorentini

Oil and acrylic on canvas, 145 cm x 130 cm I paint starting from photography, but in my paintings there is no will to copy the photographic image with hyperrealist trait. In my travels and in my encounters I accumulate and archive images that I will later be able to transform into paintings. My paintings must contain a story, an undisclosed story. The details of paintings fill a void, creating a new and even more evident one : the disappearance of life, the stillness, the silence. In portraits the intention is to give the figures a new existence, nourished by memory.

I was born in Milan In 1972. I spent my childhood in California, from where I moved, after some years, back to Italy where my family settled in Lucca and later in Florence. I studied sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze. When I was in my 20's I turned to painting. I lived and worked in San Francisco, New York, Bali, Berlin, and of course Florence. I've exhibited my works in Italy, Europe, USA and Asia. I am now settled in Carrara, Italy.