Project SKY

PrizeHonorable Mention in Installation Art, Shortlist in Installation Art, Finalists in Installation Art
CompanyStudio SHA.
Design TeamBob Bork, David Dorffner
CreditHolm Basedow
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A sea of sound and colour has recently spread over the german sky – consisting of 5,000 interactive lamps. SKY is the name of this innovation on the new glass ceiling of the former general post office in Leipzig. It was created and installed by the Viennese artist, designer and perception researcher SHA. The elaborate work of art stretching over 1,500m2 forms the centrepiece of the revitalized building, which stood empty for over a decade. The SKY lamps change the mood: over the course of the day and from season to season. SKY lives with the surrounding, the city, the pulses, rhythms, rituals.

The Austrian brand SHA. represents SensorySpaces. The design studio with headquarters in Vienna acts globally and offers creative consulting in the form of development, planning and implementation. The brand can now be found in 300 locations in 40 countries. SHA. has won multiple international awards. In all the projects, SHA. attempts to overcome everyday limitations. The studio is often involved in the entire creation process developing the DNA for a new product or project. With SHA. architecture, design and art form a joint path towards a holistic experience.