The Inheritance of Prayers / Restoration of Five Hundred Rakan Statues  

PrizeShortlist in Shoot (photo/video)
CompanyIdea Works . P
ArtistMichiko Chiyoda
Design TeamRibon-sha, Chieko Yoshino, Satsuki Ishiyama
ClientIdea Works . P
CreditThe light from the skylight illuminated the restored Arhat statue.
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The statues which were sculpted by Shoun Genkei, a Buddhist monk, date back to 400 years ago in Edo period. Their unique beauty tells the history. The restoration is a response to the wishes of those who wants to pass them down to the next generations. Michiko Chiyoda was struck by his work and came to document the process. In the midst of the destruction and loss of many valuable cultural properties worldwide, we should once again pay homage to each history and culture as a common asset of all humankind, and pass on our precious cultural heritage to the future.

I create my work based on experiences and findings occurring in my personal daily life, I believe to be able to reach some universal understandings. I mainly take care of stories in my work, and pursue impressive beauty in printing, I use various kinds of papers. In addition to various solo and group exhibitions not only domestically but also overseas. I have had actual achievements to be adopted by web magazines, winning awards, and being collected by an art museum and a photo foundation.